Apr 1, 2011

The Process

Before we get started, we are going to need to plan everything out to ensure we won't run into any problems.
  1. Order starter kit.
    • this will consist of some air-tight container, a culture mix, and maybe some other things that aren't exactly necessary (scoopers, etc) and then figure out where to keep everything.
  2. Figure out what to do about digging.
    • the second step in the Bokashi process (after ferrmenting the waste) is to mix it with soil, presumably in the ground, to create fertile soil.  that whole thing with the quarry prevents us from digging.  What do we do?  Did off campus?  Find an alternative to digging?
  3. Talk to the dining hall and mantainence staff.
    • they are all involved with the current compost pile and we should let them know what we're doing.  Bokashi is awesome because you can compost things you normally couldnt, like meat and other animal products, so we'll have to figure out a new system of gathering the waste.
  4. Make a schedule.
    • since Bokashi fermenting is a relatively quick process, we probably will need to tend to it more than just once a week for work job.
  5. There has to be more than this, but I'm going to lunch now!

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